Links to Openworks projects
The Openworks was a collaboration between Participatory City, Lambeth Council and others. I was looking for the web presence of the projects that came out of Openworks and decided to record them here.
The Openworks website seems to have expired. The Facebook and Twitter accounts still exist although they have not been updated since the project ended in 2015.
001 Trade School
002 The Great Cook (Eventbrite)
003 Potluck Suppers
004 Start Here
005 BeamBlock
006 Bzz Garage (Facebook, Twitter)
007 Library of Things
008 The Joinery
009 Festival of Ideas (blog post on council website)
010 Open Orchard
011 Rock Paper Scissors
012 The Stitch
013 Out in the Open (PDF)
014 Civic Incuabator
015 Play Works
016 Play Streets (council guide)
017 Department of Tinkerers (flyer)
018 Collaborative Childcare
019 Public Office (Facebook, Twitter)
020 West Norwood Soup (Grub club)